a capstone project with arduino
Soil State Indicator & Automated Irrigation System (SSI & AIS) is an arduino based project to check soil moisture and supply the required amount of water to get the optimum moisture level. The whole process is an automated one, meaning the users do not have to worry about turning the motor off, the system will automatically turn off the motor of irrigation pump once the required volume of water is fulfilled.
Project Created: Semester of Summer 2020
Project Contributors:
- Md. Muzakker Hossain
- Ashiqur Rahaman Ridoy
- Shah-ul-Jasun
Repository Link: Soil State Indicator and Automated Irrigation System
Capstone Report: Soil State Indicator and Automated Irrigation System.pdf
Goals of this Project
During the time of irrigation, farmers face a lot of confusions and hesitations like whether the soil is too moisture or the water is enough and they have to wake up all night and watch the motor pump and wait when the desired level of water is reached and to stop the pump. During the sowing time, there’s also some things to be taken into consideration like the pH value of soil, because it is directly related to the production and product quality. Taken all these hassles into consideration the project is proposing a solution of the problem mentioned above. The followings are the goal of this project:
- to be able to check soil moisture and calculate the required volume of water based on the soil condition
- to turn off the motor of irrigation pump if the required volume of water is fulfilled
- to measure pH value to determine the soil condition whether it is ready to sow seeds
Potential Benefits
- Farmers will be able to know the condition of soil and the required amount of water that needs to moisture the soil
- Electricity can be saved, since the motor is controlled automatically, farmers don’t need to worry about when to turn off the motor or if the required water is fulfilled or not
- The pH will indicate the soil’s nature that will help farmers to identify the soil and take measures accordingly
Model/Experimental Design
Components Required
- Arduino UNO
- LCD 16x2
- Resistors – 3pcs
- LEDs – 2pcs
- Potentiometer – 2pcs
- DC Motor
- Piezo
- NeoPixel
Impact on Society & Environment
This project is a novel prototype module which can monitor soil moisture level and provide an automated irrigation system. Best part of this is it can be used by the farmers whenever and wherever they want. Simply we can say that this is an approachable real time field monitoring system. The microcontroller circuit has been developed with less number of components and is highly reliable and affordable. After verifying the data that was shown in display, assured about the success of the project. As ours is an agriculture based country the farmers need to be introduced to more latest technologies to make their effort efficient and easier, perhaps most importantly to ensure the quality of the crops because crops depend mostly on the soil quality. This is an eco-friendly project, with that being said it causes no harm to the environment keeping the ecosystem balanced.